How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock

If you lot're a homeowner, at that place is a chance you'll need to replace some drywall at some point. Walls are simple enough, but what nigh ceiling sheetrock? If you e'er find yourself needing to supplant ceiling sheetrock, you might find the following footstep-past-step tutorial helpful. This particular case involves the cranium access signal as well, which may or may not be applicable to your situation.

How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock View in gallery
How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock - If your ceiling is damaged View in gallery

If your ceiling is damaged (this examples involves a cracked PVC pipe in the attic, which warped the sheetrock and resulted in a ceiling cave-in), you're going to need to supervene upon it.

There was not only a hole in the sheetrock View in gallery

In this instance, there was not only a hole in the sheetrock, just there was as well quite a bit of warping in the surrounding ceiling sheetrock. That would have to be replaced also.

The hole occurred right next to the attic access point View in gallery

In addition, the pigsty occurred right next to the attic access point, which was in bad shape to begin with.

Attic access frame was some old trim pieces View in gallery

The cranium access frame was some onetime trim pieces that had, over time, split right downwardly the center.

The original access point was not only ugly View in gallery

The original access point was not only ugly, it was dangerous as well. That will be included in this ceiling sheetrock replacement.

How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock- To begin repairing the ceiling sheetrock, View in gallery

To begin repairing the ceiling sheetrock, you'll need to remove everything that will exist replaced. This includes the attic access trim. Before you become any farther, you lot'll demand to go up into the cranium and remove any insulation from the sheetrock area to be replaced. If you don't practice this, you'll have an even bigger mess, equally all the insulation volition fall downwards when you remove the entire sheetrock section.

After the insulation in the attic View in gallery

After the insulation in the cranium has been taken care of (we just tossed ours to the sides so it could easily be brought back over the new sheetrock later on replacement), information technology'southward time to effigy out simply exactly where you'll be replacing the ceiling sheetrock. Anytime you supplant drywall, you lot need to cut to the next joist (or stud, in the case of a wall) afterward the drywall impairment, merely not an inch beyond.

Use a box cutter to cut along the center point of the joist View in gallery

Use a box cutter to cutting along the eye indicate of the joist. This will allow you to apply drywall screws to secure the newly cut border of the original sheetrock, if necessary, also as provide a secure spot to spiral the new sheetrock to.

Along any corners with a box cutter to keep the paint from peeling off View in gallery

If applicable, you'll as well want to score (or cut, if it's in the center of a large slice of sheetrock) forth any corners with a box cutter to keep the paint from peeling off the wall as you remove the ceiling sheetrock.

Notice that this scored edge has a much cleaner look View in gallery

Detect that this scored edge has a much cleaner await than the large patches of pigment that ripped off with the original ceiling's cave-in.

Remove all fixtures from the area View in gallery

Remove all fixtures from the expanse. This case includes a lite and a smoke detector. Other fixtures might include vents.

Here, the ceiling sheetrock has been removed View in gallery

Here, the ceiling sheetrock has been removed. Although the hole was just a little more than a foot in diameter, the sheetrock to be replaced is a three'x4' rectangle, based upon the virtually logical replacement areas. In this infinite, measure and mark the positions of any fixtures that you will need to cut holes for in the new sheetrock piece.

Measure, mark, and cut with a box cutter the new sheetrock piece. View in gallery

Measure, mark, and cut with a box cutter the new sheetrock piece.

Measure and mark the positions of any fixtures View in gallery

Measure and marker the positions of whatever fixtures, if applicable. These are usually 4" squares, although yous'll want to double check what you accept in your ceiling to make sure the hole yous cut is the right size and shape.

Use a drywall saw to cut out the holes. View in gallery

Employ a drywall saw to cutting out the holes. Yous may detect it useful to drill a hole in a corner of your fixture marker, so yous have a identify for the saw to start.

Dry-fit the sheetrock onto the ceiling View in gallery

Dry-fit the sheetrock onto the ceiling, brand any adjustments you need, then use 1-i/4" drywall screws to attach information technology to the joists. Take intendance non to screw downwards as well difficult; you lot want the ends of the original sheetrock and the new sheetrock to align horizontally (e.1000., match in flatness). This volition brand for a much more than seamless transition when it comes time to mud and tape the ceiling drywall.

helpful to make a pencil line along the center View in gallery

It's also helpful to brand a pencil line forth the middle of any joists in the middle of your sheetrock section and then you lot know where to place the screws. Throw some screws at every joist in the heart of your sheetrock and along the sides.

How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock- once your new sheetrock is in place View in gallery

If applicable, in one case your new sheetrock is in place, it'southward time to supervene upon the attic admission frame. This example uses ane×3 board, with mitered corners for the frame. Take care to go out virtually 1" overhang (toward the eye of the access betoken) so the access point plywood "door" can residue on the frame.

It's helpful to cut one piece to start View in gallery

It's helpful to cut one piece to start, then measure and cut the next piece and install it, then move onto the third. (As opposed to cutting all four pieces at one time.) Be certain the wood screws attach securely into a joist or 2×4 frame of some sort; they won't last if the frame is only secured to ceiling drywall.

Use a Kreg Rip Cut attachment View in gallery

Use a Kreg Rip Cut attachment on your circular saw to cut a 1/two″ plywood lath to size for your attic admission, taking care to account for the 1" overhang on all sides of the trim then the plywood is big enough to balance on that overhang.

Depending on the size of your ceiling sheetrock View in gallery

Depending on the size of your ceiling sheetrock, nosotros recommend hiring a professional person to come up have care of the mudding, taping, and texturing. Information technology'southward quite affordable, and the benefits of having a professional exercise it hands outweigh the cost.

For one thing the job gets done quickly with a professional View in gallery

For one affair, the job gets done quickly with a professional person. Whatsoever wall peeled pigment or other damage will become taken intendance of, and the wall will be restored to its original land.

A professional drywall installer will also be able View in gallery

A professional drywall installer volition also be able to hands and accurately size the fixture holes if your cutouts don't line up precisely with the fixture mount.

And a professional drywaller View in gallery

And a professional drywaller will get the new ceiling texture to match the original texture much ameliorate than the boilerplate DIYer. Although it probably won't be precisely the same, it'll be pretty close. With some other coat of ceiling paint on that old texture, I think the transition will exist pretty smooth.

professional also texture the access point View in gallery

We had the professional also texture the access point plywood "door" just equally he did the ceiling. When painted, information technology created a seamless look and experience through the hallway.

How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock- contemporary look of the attic access View in gallery

We like the make clean, contemporary look of the attic access frame now. Uncomplicated lines match our dwelling's aesthetic much better than split curvy trim pieces, frankly.

How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock-After priming and painting the ceiling View in gallery

After priming and painting the ceiling and walls and letting them dry, it was easy to reinstall a new calorie-free and smoke detector.

How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock Hard to believe that a few short days ago View in gallery

Hard to believe that a few brusk days ago, we had a gaping hole in our ceiling right here. The new ceiling sheetrock looks like it'due south been there forever.

How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock Tutorial View in gallery

We promise you find this tutorial helpful for how to replace ceiling sheetrock. Good luck with your efforts, and, every bit always, use care and practiced sentence in your DIY building adventures. Prophylactic starting time.


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