Fundrazr Please Refresh the Page and Try Again Sorry for the Inconvenience


  • one What Is Causing The Facebook "Sorry Something Went Wrong" Mistake?
  • 2 Troubleshooting The Error "Lamentable, Something Went Wrong" In Facebook
    • two.i Solution ane: Reload The Webpage
    • 2.2 Solution 2: Disable Problematic Extensions
    • 2.iii Solution 3: Clear Browser Cache
    • 2.4 Solution iv: Await For Facebook To Set up It
  • 3 Wrapping Up

In this day and age when people can't exist without social media, imagine if for some reason you are suddenly unable to access your social media business relationship. No this is non a nightmare but a reality, specially for Facebook users.

Many Facebook users have reported that they are unable to admission Facebook from their browsers. In Facebook, "Sorry, something went wrong" error by and large appears on the users' screen when they attempt to log in. This error tin also announced while using Facebook.


The Facebook something went wrong error has been causing troubles for its user base of operations for quite a long fourth dimension. However, this error is not a threat to your Facebook account and can easily be stock-still with some simple troubleshooting. In this article, we have discussed how you can diagnose and troubleshoot this error.

Also, check out this article if you lot are unable to play video in Google Drive.

What Is Causing The Facebook "Lamentable Something Went Wrong" Error?

This fault mainly arises due to the post-obit causes:

  1. Corrupted extensions are the most common cause of this error.
  2. An overfilled browser cache can likewise trigger this fault.
  3. This issue can also be caused if Facebook has a programming error. You really can't practice annihilation in this case other than wait for them to prepare information technology.

Troubleshooting The Error "Lamentable, Something Went Incorrect" In Facebook

Now, that you know the causes of this fault, its time to troubleshoot it.

Solution one: Reload The Webpage

The commencement thing you should exercise when you face the error "something went wrong" is try refreshing this page. Reloading the spider web page a couple of times tin gear up the bug that was triggering the error. However, if reloading doesn't work, then try the next solution.

Solution two: Disable Problematic Extensions

Corrupted extensions in browsers are well known for triggering a multifariousness of errors. Whenever there is a browser-related issue, yous should ever check the extensions start, if they are malfunctioning.

To disable the extensions in some pop browsers, follow the steps given beneath:

For Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers:

  1. Open Google Chrome and click on the carte du jour button (three vertical dots in the upper correct corner of the screen).
  2. Select the More Toolschoice.
  3. Click on the Extensionsoption.
    All the extensions should be on your screen.
  4. Click on the toggle next to the extensions to disable them.


For Firefox:

  1. Open Mozilla Firefox and press the Ctrl + Shift + A keys to open the Add-onspage.
  2. Select the Extensionsoption.
    Now, all the extensions in Firefox should be on your screen.
  3. Turn off the toggle beside the extensions to disable them.


After disabling the extensions, check if the error has resolved. If yep, and then one or more than of the extensions is definitely corrupted. Enable them 1 by one and wait for the error to arise once more. This manner yous will be able to pinpoint the extension causing this error and remove it.

Solution iii: Clear Browser Cache

If removing the extensions didn't work, then try clearing the browser cache. When the browser enshroud is full, it is known to cause such errors. In this scenario, immigration the browser enshroud should set the something went wrong in Facebook error.

To clear the browser cache in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, follow the steps given beneath:

  1. Open up Chrome or Firefox and press Ctrl + Shift + Delete keys on your keyboard.
    The clear browsing information folio will open on your screen.
  2. Select the All fourth dimension option in the Time Range and select all the elements in the list.
  3. Click on the Clear information option to clear the browser cache.


Solution 4: Wait For Facebook To Prepare It

If none of the above solutions accept worked, and so about likely this error is due to some programming fault on Facebook'southward part. In this scenario, the only thing that tin be washed is to expect for the Facebook direction team to fix information technology.

You tin also contact the Facebook assist squad and share the about error you are facing.

Wrapping Upward

And so, in that location you take it. Now you know what to do if on Facebook, "Sad, something went wrong" mistake arises again. The above solutions should assistance you lot set up this error. Feel free to share your views on this commodity in the comment section below.


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