Illustration of a Rose Wine Bottle and Glass String Art

in: How To, Skills

• Final updated: June 2, 2021

How to Brand a Drinking Glass From a Canteen

Homemade drinking glass from beer bottle stone IPA.

I've frequently admired the artwork on beer bottles, liquor bottles, even craft soda bottles. And I've often wondered how to capture some of this artwork in a style that doesn't involve simply collecting the bottles. When I stumbled across a shop in Vegas that sold beer and vino bottle drinking glasses, I knew I plant my answer. With a little chip of research, I establish out how easy information technology can be to make the same glasses without the hefty retail toll tag. What's great about this project is how versatile information technology is. Information technology could have the shape of wine bottles turned into vases for Mother's Day, manly wedding gifts for a groom using his favorite drinkable, or you can use smaller bottles and create a prepare of tasting glasses.

It'south also cheap, fast, and uses items that tin can be constitute in most households. And did I mention yous get to play with burn?

With this project, you are using fire and chemicals, then take extra precautions. Having said that, I've done this a few times, and never had any problems or even felt nervous about the prophylactic of it. You're simply every bit likely to injure yourself using a drill or a hammer and blast.


Diy homemade drinking glass from beer bottle supplies.

  • Any kind of bottle — beer, soda, vino, liquor
  • Acetone (constitute in nail polish remover, raided from my wife's cabinet)
  • Small dish for acetone
  • Rag/towel
  • Chip yarn or cord — yarn has the all-time assimilation in my experience
  • Lighter
  • Sandpaper

Stride 1: Choose Your Bottle

The coolest bottle have a logo or printing etched right onto the glass.

The coolest bottles to use are those that have a logo or press etched right onto the glass. They're a little harder to find, merely definitely worth information technology if yous can. Otherwise a evidently ol' bottle will piece of work just as well. This 220z bottle is a not bad size for a drinking drinking glass, while 12oz bottles may piece of work amend as tasting glasses.

Pace 2: Eat Drink

Stone cali belgique IPA 22oz bomber bottle.

This Stone Brewing Cali-Belgique IPA was quite enjoyable. You of course need an empty bottle, so accept this opportunity to cascade yourself a drink.

Step three: Create Water ice Bath

Ice water in the sink.

Fill your sink up with ice water. You don't need a ton of water ice, information technology just has to exist cold. I went with the coldest tap h2o and a few handfuls of ice and it worked swell.

Footstep iv: Pour Acetone into Dish

Bottle of nail polish remover with a bowl placed at table.

You don't need much — only enough to soak the yarn/string. Obviously, this a chemic, and so be extra conscientious working with it. It's fine if information technology touches your skin, but keep away from your face.

Step 5: Cut Yarn and Wrap Canteen

Cut yarn and wrap bottle placed at table.

Yous demand enough yarn to wrap around the canteen 4-6 times.

Wrapping yarn around the bottle it's right above the logo wrap it tightly.

Outset wrapping yarn around the bottle where you lot want the top to separate. For this bottle, information technology'due south right above the logo. Wrap it tightly. I also found this pace to be easier holding the bottle horizontally than just sitting on the counter.

Tie off the yarn around at bottle.

Tie off the yarn, remove from the bottle, and snip the ends. Ultimately, the yarn will be lit on fire and rotated, and then you don't want loose ends flyin' around.

Pace 6: Soak Yarn in Acetone

Soake off the yarn in the bowl.

With the yarn withal tied, soak the entire affair in acetone. Make sure information technology's really soaked all the way through — don't skimp on this stride.

Step seven: Put Yarn Dorsum Onto Bottle

Tie off the yarn back over the bottle.

Put the yarn dorsum over the bottle where you desire the cut to be. Exercise it over a towel or rag; recollect, yous're working with a chemical and yous don't want to mess up any tables or countertops.

Step 8 – Calorie-free Yarn on Fire

Men holding a bottle in his hand and light yarn on fire.

Hold the canteen at the far cease of where the yarn is and using a lighter, torch that yarn. Rotate the bottle and then the entirety of the yarn gets lit, and go on to rotate the bottle until the flame burns out (about thirty seconds). I tin can see how safety is a business concern for some, but the yarn burns apace, and y'all've already created an ice bathroom should an blow occur.

Step 9 – Submerge in Ice Bath

Submerge in Ice bath and a bottle placed in the sink.

Once the flame burns out, immediately submerge in the ice bathroom, and the top should pop right off where the yarn was. It may take a couple tries — this one did because it's a thicker glass. Don't worry, just echo the process to a higher place once or twice and yous'll get it.

Men holding a bottle in his hand with submerge in Ice bath. Step 10 – Sand Edges

Men using sandpaper to smooth the edges of bottle.

Use sandpaper to smooth the edges and imperfections. I'd wait 30-threescore minutes later on breaking the glass to practice this, every bit it remains adequately fragile immediately afterwards. Once again, you lot may think of safety here and worry nigh sharp edges on a drinking drinking glass, but when I've done this, it doesn't take much sanding to go far perfectly shine and safety for use.

Step eleven – Examination Your New Drinking glass

Men holding a bottle and drinking beer.

Later the beer, a squeamish glass of water was refreshing and hydrating. Ahhhhh. Works like a charm, and looks groovy too!

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