Streets of Rogue Continue in Tater


19 Jul, 2019 @ 4:47pm

It save youe progress after you complete floor


 [developer] 19 Jul, 2019 @ 4:54pm

If you quit the game in the middle of a run, you can press Resume on the main menu to restore from the last floor you reached. But if you die, your progress is lost.

Last edited by Madguy; 19 Jul, 2019 @ 4:55pm

Originally posted by Madguy:

If you quit the game in the middle of a run, you can press Resume on the main menu to restore from the last floor you reached. But if you die, your progress is lost.

Originally posted by RFil:

It save youe progress after you complete floor

Ok, thanks!

Is this true for online games too?

I will confess that if I seriously mess up a floor, I quit and resume just to get a do-over. I've done this extensively to experiment with solutions to particularly challenging missions.


 [developer] 21 Jul, 2019 @ 4:25pm

Originally posted by Usuario No Registrado:

Is this true for online games too?

Yes, the host's game will be saved in the same way that it would in single player. If a client quits and re-joins, their character will be saved, so long as the host's game didn't end.

Nice, thanks for answering

If you're in a sticky situation can you just quit and the floor will restart?

Originally posted by Rick Dalton:

If you're in a sticky situation can you just quit and the floor will restart?

Yes it will restart the floor but this really isn't a good idea to do it because it ruins the fun (you know what's in every safe, you did a mistake there so you can perfect your next attemps, etc...)
I suggest doing that only if you need to restart in order to allow the Big quest to be completed, because those things are hard sometimes

I played the game a few hours yesterday and unlocked quite a bit of things but for some reason my progress is all gone now? I quit while in the base? is this the issue? I been through several elevators so it should have saved? I died before quitting but all my unlocked things where still there in the base before i quit?


Well seems my character unlocks are still there but item unlocks seem reset? Or are they just sorted differently than when you first play?


Right seems it just changed sorting method from before. False alarm folks

Last edited by Jonkenden; 30 Jul, 2019 @ 3:39am

Not sure I'm liking the save or inability to save. I've played two missions (picked a trait and all) and then had to go. This is the second time I'm having to start over again. Also after the tutorial and you come in and start a game, it's not clear on the start options which to choose when you haven't played before. (like what's quick-start vs home base vs daily run, have no idea)

This will be my third attempt to play and hopefully it saves otherwise I'll just move on to something else.

Last edited by Mastro2k; 10 Aug, 2019 @ 8:28pm


10 Aug, 2019 @ 8:41pm

The game saves at the end (or rather, the start) of each level. Is it not doing that for you?


25 Dec, 2020 @ 11:59am

When is "resume save" supposed to work? i've quit the game when i've finished a couple of levels (wanted to continue the next day), the game did not save, could not resume. never seen it save when you finish even a whole section (e.g Slums), you always start at 1-1 and with a new character.


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